A cause we care about

Sabrina Isidore, Anne Resse and Philippe Hudon represented Akonoteam at the dauphinelle gala!

Akonovia is a proud partner of the foundation, which raised $1,840,000 for its new transitional home for women and children.

It's the kind of evening that feeds both our bellies and our hearts!

At the forefront of innovation

We recently took part in Batimatech: the ultimate event for discovering the most efficient and sustainable technologies in the construction sector.

Akonovia is a proud partner of Francis Bissonnette's organization, whose values of avant-gardism, collaboration and sustainability match our own.

Jean-François Tremblay, Philippe Hudon, Benoit Hauton and all our colleagues in the AkonoTeam live innovation every day, adopting innovative digital tools for all our processes. We stand out in particular for our exemplary use of CxAlloy commissioning software, which saves our customers a lot of time and money!

Manifesto on the decarbonization of Quebec buildings

The members of the CQ3E, of which we are a part, are involved on a daily basis in the fight against climate change, among other things by helping owners and managers to decarbonize their buildings. To help reduce consumption and make the energy transition a success, we have identified financial, legal and technical solutions for the full deployment of energy efficiency, and brought them together in a manifesto.

Through this manifesto, we want to unite our government and the entire real estate ecosystem around a common vision combining energy efficiency and electrification! 3 pillars, 17 recommendations and 10 essential conditions: a clear roadmap based on the experience of experts in the field.

Philippe Hudon interview

Mélissa Jacob interviewed Philippe Hudon, President and CEO of Akonovia.

They discussed how Akonovia supports companies in their energy transition and carbon neutrality to reduce their impact, for example, with operational carbon. They covered topics such as how we can rethink building construction to go beyond borrowing from our site, but impacting the community.

Full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF4uTsJL1kY&t=1567s

Akonovia, behind GéoLagon in establishing the energy scenario

«According to a study carried by Canadian sustainable energy firm Akonovia, Geolagoon will be completely self-sufficient. A vast thermal reservoir will sit beneath the lagoon, powered by a combination of geothermal, biomass, photovoltaic and solar heating.» Read Globtrender article and visit GeoLagon website.


#energy #sustainable #solarenergy #power #thermal #geothermalenergy #spa #greenenergy

We’re launching a new look! Here is a first glimpse at the New Akonovia!

Since our founding in 2014, we have come a long way, collaborated on many projects, and expanded our service offer. That’s why we thought it was about time to renew our branding. And so, we are proud to present the New Akonovia: new logo, new colours, new website, new LinkedIn page, new Instagram account—but also our new vie.akonovia.ca website, which represents our internal culture. This is where you’ll find all updates regarding our latest recruitment work. Plus, our new logo highlights our emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Sign up to stay on top of AkonoNews 😊.

Visit our LinkedIn

Akonovia welcomes 3 new shareholders who, along with the president, now make up the management committee.

It is worth noting that, at the same time as the New Akonovia launch, 3 members of the company’s management committee (which includes our president, Philippe Hudon) became shareholders and members of the board of directors. They are: Thomas Fuentes, Jean-François Pelletier and Jean-François Tremblay. We are already noticing their respective contributions in our organization’s management and now they will begin to shape our corporate direction.

Akonovia has opened an office in Ontario!

To reach our goal of becoming the #1 company in Canada guiding businesses towards energy efficiency, we recently opened a branch in Ontario and hired a seasoned EE analyst and highly qualified performance M&V specialist: John Scourias. Thanks to his extensive experience and versatility, he will be able to provide support for several of our teams.

New EE regulations in the Quebec Building Code.

On December 27, new energy efficiency regulations will take effect. As a recognized specialist in energy modelling and an RBQ authorized instructor, Philippe Hudon, our president, has held more than 70 courses on this topic since the start of 2021. To date, more than 1000 people have attended these sessions, either through various forums or through their company.

Our team won the prestigious Reinventing Cities Montreal 2021 competition!

For the prestigious Reinventing Cities, a global competition, we were in the team that won the Montreal 2021 edition, with Akonovia acting as an energy efficiency expert. We look forward to bringing our collaborative and innovative spirit to this fabulous project!

Learn more here.